Esme: Birdbrain II
Meet Esmé, aka Birdbrain II.
I started working on her back in the summer. It took a lot of work to fix her skull and face which had cracked in numerous places. She only had half a head so I had to figure out how to fill it. I never had a vision. It just all fell into place as I went along. Looking back, I remember agonizing over how I was going to make hair. It just so happened that somebody in the neighborhood was giving away a bag of yarn and I was the chosen recipient.
At the end, I remembered a crown charm I’d been carrying around for years. It was the finishing touch for the bird. My favorite part is the locket with the bird’s baby picture and his adult version. Second favorite; the cage with the little bird in it. I don’t know how I got that bird in, but it’s never coming out.
I took some pictures in the dark, with it backlit, to show that the wings are transparent. She’s 15.5” tall x 8” wide.
Goodbye, old friend: Martin Phillipps - June 2, 1963 to July 28, 2024
The world is a much sadder place now that our beloved Martin had to go. He left us on my birthday of all days. As I’m sure he would want, I will choose to remember the beauty, joy, and wonder that he added to the world through his music and art, and by being the unique and lovely human that he was.
Sadly, Martin and I had a bit of a falling out, in 1996, and I spent years holding a silly grudge for it—such a waste of time. But we met up in 2019, when The Chills played here in Portland, and it was as if nothing ever happened. They came back in 2022 and performed another amazing show and I’m so glad to have had that final opportunity; and to also have won the tea towel for asking the best question, “is the Crusty Corner still open?” Martin didn’t know the answer and had to get it from another band mate. My tea towel will keep well with the other treasures from him.
For a week before Martin died, I kept thinking I’d be hearing about another tour soon. But I also had a nagging sense of doom that I would be hearing bad news coming from Dunedin, New Zealand. Another friend there has been battling cancer and I was afraid I would be hearing about that. Instead, I found out that it was Martin who left, breaking many hearts and spirits. But we have an amazing legacy that he’s gifted to us and that helps soften the shockwaves.
Submarine Bells is one song that has brought me to tears many times, especially when seeing Martin perform it live. Even in 2022, after listening to it for over 30 years, I still cried through the entire performance. Now, I’ll settle for the studio version and live videos on YouTube. And the tears, I’m sure, will continue to flow.
On the night before Martin’s memorial service, he came to me in a dream. I sat on his lap and he hugged me, saying it was going to be okay just like the final words of this song. I’ll never forget that special dream.
I’m so glad I had the opportunity to know this person and to experience his music and him. He’s been a huge influence in my own artwork and poetry. We’re all going to miss him.
No News isn’t always Good News
I’m severely delinquent when it comes to updating this portion of my website. Stay tuned—-there’s news ahead! I promise!
Opening Tonight! Feathered Dwellings: A Birdhouse Exhibition
At Alexi Era Gallery
Suite100, 1712 Willamette St, Eugene, OR 97401
June 1, 6:00-8:00 pmCheck out the teaser image they used on their Facebook event page RIGHT HERE
Upcoming Exhibition
I'll be entering my latest piece titled "You May Come and Go As You Please" in a local exhibit called Feathered Dwellings: A Birdhouse Exhibit. It runs from June 1st through June 30th, 2018. If you are in Eugene, Oregon please feel free to check it out at Alexi Era Gallery. Opening reception is June 1st from 6-8 p.m. 1712 Willamette St. Ste. 100, Eugene, OR #FeatheredDwellings
Huddle #2 - A Postcard Show at Shoebox Projects
The #equalityforall #resist postcard art show
Hosted by Shoebox Projects and Art and Cake
Curated by Kristine Schomaker
Sponsored by Shoebox PRIf you're in Los Angeles on Saturday, March, 17, 2018, stop by 660 South Avenue 21 #3, 90031 and see all the amazing postcards sent in by artists all over, to support some great causes. Postcards are being sold for $25 each and 100% of proceeds will be divided equally and will go to the ACLU, Planned Parenthood and the Trevor Project.
Click HERE for more info.I'll be DJ Sparrow on KWVA
Tomorrow morning at 10:00 I will be featuring music from New Zealand and Australia at University of Oregon's own, KWVA. Thanks to Craig Leve (Snap, Crackle, POP!) for helping me out!
I am currently featured at Arts Illustrated!
Check out my interview HERE
Kolaj Magazine Ad
I am currently advertising in the most recent edition of Kolaj Magazine, and will probably continue on after that for the next year. Kolaj is a quarterly magazine featuring collage art. I am also included in the online Artist Directory for at least the next year.
New Book - Collage-a-Dada: Images and Words
I've just published a book using Bookify on the website Blurb. This is my first attempt and I think it turned out beautifully. This book features 44 pages of my collage work from the years 2013-2016 and I have also included poetry that I have written over the years. I just received my copy in the mail yesterday and I couldn't be happier. Click this link to check out Collage-a-Dada: Images and Words. Use the slider underneath the image to view several of the pages within.
I had the honor of showing my work at bG Gallery in Santa Monica
Starting late April, 2017, two of my pieces (Nothing to Hide and Peekaboo) were featured in the Day Dreamers show at bG Gallery in Santa Monica. The show finished mid-May.
Click Here to find out more.
KFJC Fundraiser - Featuring My Design!
The annual KFJC fundraiser is underway and I was asked to create a design for their girlie t-shirt. Check it out, and consider buying one. All proceeds go to keep one of the best college radio stations on the planet running. There are lots of other goodies available as well, such as cds, other clothing, and even airtime.
Click here for detailsDada Lives! At the University of Cincinnati's Blue Ash Gallery
I was so happy to be a part of the Dada Lives! show at the University of Cincinnati's Blue Ash Gallery, and very thankful to H. Michael Sanders for inviting me to submit work. I'm also happy to say that the he purchased two of my collages and that one of those collages actually made it into his new journal, which honors the 100 year anniversary of the Dada movement, and specifically, the publication of Hugo Ball's, Cabaret Voltaire. The journal came out on May 15th. Another piece of my art made the back cover of the exhibit catalog. I'll also be submitting some poetry to the online Wordpress journal, MetaDada: The International Journal of Dada Mining, for possible publication.My Beer Bottle Label Design Won An Award!
UPDATE: This post has been long in coming but better late than never, right? My design ended up winning a silver medal at Australia's International Beer Awards. That's second place! Not too shabby. Here's the finished product (my drawing, my handmade font on the title).
A friend of mine in Australia had asked if I would consider doing some sketches of his very first official beer to go on the market. I did so, and one of them was picked for the label. It's old news already because the product has hit the streets as of just about a week ago. It's the most expensive beer to be brewed at the Southern Bay Brewing Company in Victoria, Australia. The brew, a saison, is getting really good reviews so far, and you can get a look at some of them here, along with some images of the bottle with my design on it. Or you can just take a peek at the label while you're reading about the beer here.
8/4/12 - Unitarian Universalist Community Church in Portage
I've been invited to hang my work at the Unitarian Universalist Community Church on Shaver Road in Portage, Michigan, for about six weeks, starting at the end of August. I'll update here as soon as details are confirmed.
Interview with Comcast's "Meet the Artist" t.v. show
6/12 - I apologize for the delay in keeping up with my news. It's been a challenging year so far. My "Meet the Artist" segment aired on Comcast's channel 900 in April, and is still being shown on On Demand. I will also be uploading the DVD to the website as soon as I figure out how to transfer if from the DVD. If you have Comcast, and wish to see my interview, check On Demand. I was told it would be running through the summer.
9/28/11 - * I took 3rd Place! *
I'm a third place winner in Grand Haven's Rocket Fish competition - the Minnow division. My piece is called "Chaos" and was inspired by the Maori legend of Papatuanuku, the Earth mother, and Ranginui, the Sky father, who came together in darkness and bore seventy sons, also known as Maori gods.The children were held by their parents in eternal darkness until, after repeated attempts, they were finally separated by the god, Tane-Mahuta who was very strong. This was much better than the alternative idea of killing them.
"Chaos" loosely portrays the congested street as a modern-day Papatuanuku (the earth mother), and the sky as Ranginui. There are elements of peacefulness contrasting the chaos, and the eyes, which represent the children (the number of eyes is not accurate in accordance to the story), are glued onto two of the panels showing two sides: peace and war. The tornado represents Tawhiri Matea, the god of wind and storms--who, as the legend goes, was the only child who did not wish to separate his parents as he was worried about his kingdom being overthrown if they were.
After the separation, Tawhiri Matea joined his father in the sky, and in revenge, caused violent storms across the land. Tane created a woman from clay and breathed life into her. She was called Hine Ahu One (the eye peeking through the calm sky is loosely based on her). Tane and Hine Ahu One (which also translates into something a bit like earth maiden or woman of the earth) bore a daughter whom they named Hine-titama. The girl flying the kite could easily be interpreted as Tane's daughter, as she flies a kite in Tawhiri Matea's winds, oblivious to the danger of his storm. But honestly, I didn't create the piece to be an exact interpretation. In fact, I had no idea that this would have anything to do with the story, until it was complete, at which point it reminded me of a modern day version of this very haunting legend.
So in honor of my love for Aotearoa, land of the long white cloud (a.k.a. New Zealand), this is for Papatuanuku and Ranganui, and for Tawhiri Matea, who may offer some insight into my love of storms.
Go to MLive for more info.
9/28/11 - * ArtPrize and ArtWalk *
There is still time to get over to the Holiday Inn in Grand Rapids and to the Tri-Cities Museum in Grand Haven to see my works on display in these two incredible art extravaganzas. I have tried to see some of the art on display at both places, but my poor aching body isn't allowing me to get around much. Thank goodness for the Internet!Week 1 Voting for ArtPrize ends today, but I wasn't expecting to win. I just wanted to be a part of the project. The Holiday Inn has been very accommodating and encouraging, and they're directly across the street from the Public Museum, which was my first choice for showing work. My piece is right in the lobby--one of the first things you see when you walk in the door. Not too shabby.
In Grand Haven, I'm honored to be amongst some incredible local talent, including my favorite local artist Annie Morgan, who I voted for last year. What a pleasure!
On Wednesday, July 27th, the regional branch of Comcast was at my house filming me in the studio as I poured out some gesso on a new canvas, and whipped a few brushes around on some works in progress. We then shifted over to Minerva's Hand in Spring Lake, where Jessica graciously offered up some much needed space to set up the equipment for the interview portion.
Brian Popa from Comcast contacted me about six weeks ago and said he would like to have me on their show, Meet the Artist, where they feature the work of Michigan artists, far and wide. A crew of four drove all the way to the west coast of Michigan, having traveled from the Detroit area.
I am honored to be part of this program, and especially honored that I was chosen from an eclectic mix of brilliant artists here in our lovely, and quite large, state. There are not many of these shows, so being chosen seems almost like winning the lotto.
The show is supposed to air toward the end of September and will be on Comcast On Demand, channel 900. The date and time will be added later on. I will also receive a DVD that I have full rights to, and I will share that here as well.
Thanks to Brian, Soloman, Gabe, and Rick, for making me feel comfortable during the filming, and for helping promote the arts. You guys are great!
I will also be participating in this year's ArtPrize in Grand Rapids. My work will be in the lobby at the Holiday Inn, Grand Rapids, right on Pearl St., across from the historical and Gerald R. Ford museums. That takes place in September/October this year.
And last, but not least, my Grand Haven ArtWalk submissions are already hanging at the Tri-Cities Museum at 200 Washington St. in Grand Haven. They liked the work so much they asked if they could hang it early. It can be seen in their Victorian Period Rooms on the first floor, and are very fitting for those lovely, and newly renovated, rooms. The pieces have a very nostalgic feel, and work well there. It was my venue of choice. Hooray!
I've got the whole month of April at the Theatre Bar!
I'll be having a one-person show at the Theatre Bar, in Michigan's lovely downtown Grand Haven. Stop in for some oysters, a burgur, sushi, and some good beer or wine, and see some great art too! The show will run for the whole month of April, with a reception on the first Thursday. See you there!
Two of my pieces are currently hanging at the White River Gallery in Montague, Michigan. Check them out if you happen to be in the area.
C3 Exchange Parlour Art Gallery - Exhibition and Reception
Date: Friday, December 3rd, 2010, 6-8 p.m.
Place: C3 Exchange - 225 E. Exchange St. Spring Lake, MII will be hanging new work in the C3 Exchange (formerly Christ Community Church) for approximately six weeks starting on November 28th. All hanging work will be stuff I've finished in the past year. I'm including a piece from a new theme I'll be working in--it's a surprise for now--and on the day of my reception I will include some of my art dolls and other assemblages.
Hope to see you there!
The Chocolate Shoppe - Greensburg, PA
Two pieces that I entered into the EBSQ "Candy" show were juried into their very first brick and mortar show at the Chocolate Shoppe in Greensburg, PA. The show runs through April, 2010.
Poems published in Blackmail Press
*Four of my poems appear in the December '09 edition of Doug Poole's e-zine, Blackmail Press. After eight years it is increasing in popularity and is an excellent source for lots of talented poets--most of them from New Zealand. Word-hungry folks, check it out! Click here for my page, then click on the Index link for more poetry.
Blackmail Press,edition 26The First Annual Autumn Arts Painting Challenge and Competition on Facebook
Submitted my piece "Good-Bye Rose" into this exhibition/contest along with 883 other works from many artists around the world. There will be a live exhibition at Bucks County Gallery of Fine Art Original Paintings New Hope, PA in March, 2010. Go to The First Annual Autumn Arts Painting Challenge and Competition on Facebook for more info and to see the paintings.
October 2009 Think Pink Exhibition - EBSQ
Winner of Patron's Choice Award with "People Tell Stories."
Check out Think Pink to see the show.Carl D. Bradley Commemorative Digital Collages
I have recently read Wreck of the Carl D., Michael Schumacher's excellent account of the sinking of the Carl D. Bradley just off Gull Island in Lake Michigan on November 18, 1958. There was a true human element portrayed in the book, and a realization that very little is known about this event. It overshadowed by the Edmund Fitzgerald despite the fact that more lives were lost on the Carl D., and the sadness I felt while reading this book compelled me to create an individual piece of art memorializing each of the men who perished on the ship. For more information about the Carl D., click on Images and Words, then on the second thumbnail. 33 men died that night. I have completed almost 4.
*Past Exhibitions*
My work was featured at the lovely Riverhouse Restaurant, in West Linn Oregon from July 2008 through July 2009.
Ongoing - My photo on the Lanercost Prirory site
"Where the Dead Went" is also a permanent photo on the Cumbria Directory website and can be found on their page titled Lanercost Priory. I took the photo there in 2001.NAM: The Sky's Curved Mirror - 28 April - 5 May . Community Gallery . Princes Street . Dunedin, New Zealand
"NAM: The Sky's Curved Mirror" is an interdisciplinary, multi-media exhibition and event. Comprised of visual arts, music, performance, written and spoken word, it will be free to the public.
"NAM" is the Tibetan word for 'sky', reflecting the boundless expanse and matrix of experience. Like a curved mirror reflects light, the participants will explore the interstices of memory & inspiration, in an exchange of dialogues to form a greater synergistic whole. Thus, "NAM" is a metaphor for a openness, mutual support & inter-cultural solidarity, in a dynamic, collective expression.
"NAM: The Sky's Curved Mirror" will also pay special homage to the untold suffering & destruction to the land and people of Tibet for the last fifty years; and will honour its unique culture and art.
If you would like to participate in any way, we'd like to hear from you. Thank you for your interest. Please contact: (put "NAM" in subject line) Or send a message here and I will forward it along.
Stampington & Co.'s "Life Images" Publication - April 2009 - Cancelled Due to cessation of publication
Three of my photos have been accepted for publication in the April edition of Life Images, which is one of the Stampington & Co. quarterly magazines. The photos that were chosen are titled, "Ella Wondering," "Fans," "Where the Dead Went," and "Cactus Flower." I couldn't find the high res image of "Cactus Flower" on time, so that will probably not make it into this edition. But I found the photo so I'll resubmit it in the future.
Note: At least they were chosen. It's the thought that counts.